Since 1986, Zuiderlicht has been dedicated to brand development and to digital and analogue communication. With a keen eye for detail, the agency’s creatives bring together the best of both these worlds: “When you know exactly where you want to go, you turn on your (digital) satnav. It presents you with the most efficient route. When you aren’t exactly sure what your destination is, you turn off the satnav and avoid short-cuts and motorways (analogue). You explore, see, smell and feel. You let yourself be inspired, touched and maybe even fall in love.” This is exactly what the members of the team were able to do when developing the Formani catalogue – immerse themselves in aesthetics.
Zuiderlicht in Interview with Red Dot
Red Dot: The Formani product catalogue is packed with fine design details – how important was the choice of paper and print finishes to you?
Zuiderlicht: They were extremely important to us, and not only to bring the motto “Obsessed with details” to life and reflect the market position. In addition to the aesthetics, there are also practical benefits. Surveys revealed that users take the catalogue along to client meetings. With its over 600 pages, the super-lightweight paper is definitely not a superfluous luxury.
Is analogue, tactile communication still important to you and your clients?
We design both, but because our agency’s roots are in analogue communication, it still has a special place in our design-focused hearts. It gives us an additional dimension to play with. What does a brand feel and sound like? That is literally 360-degree branding. However, we always make our decisions based on the respective target audience or objectives.