Entertainment App
Beck’s Heroes of the Night

Heroes of the Night is a mobile app that takes user-generated, real-time data from group chats and turns chat members into the heroes of a comic strip. Each comic is fully customisable, based on the particular geo- and time-specific content. By applying machine-learningbased character and image assignment, including message sentiment and content analysis, the app automatically brings every message to life in the form of a comic hero statement. Users can choose from ten heroes with a different character each, resembling typical night-out personalities such as the well-dressed charmer, the talkative one or the diva.
Client:Anheuser-Busch InBev Germany, Bremen, Germany
Design:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY, Munich, Germany
Global Chief Creative Officer:Alexander Schill
Managing Partner:Florian Klietz, Markus Maczey
Executive Creative Direction:Thomas Heyen, Markus Kremer
Management Supervision:Kristian von Elm
Account Management:Mariah Kattmann, Marco Dinoto, Jeferson Lopes Cocate
Design Direction:Sebastien Stabenau
Creative Direction:Ronnie Patt
Copywriting:Jan-Erik Scheibner
Illustration:Matthias Schardt
Technical Project Management / Development / Creative Coding:Jonas Heitzer, Efim Tamplon
UX/UI Design:Alexander Kneifel