Sharing Lunch Box

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All over the world, societies are trying ways and solutions to reduce food wastage and fight food shortages. However, perfectly good food is still being thrown into the trash on a daily basis. One identifiable reason for this phenomenon could be the lack of means and information to tell people how to reduce food wastage. Sharing Lunch Box is an innovative design that not only provides a convenient solution to save and donate food, it also serves as a reminder against food wastage, and a channel for disseminating such information. The lunchbox or bento is a widely distributed form of takeaway food. Making a simple design change to the traditional takeaway lunchbox encourages people to save or share part of their food – be it what they can’t finish, or what they choose to offer to another. The 80-20 split design of the Sharing Lunch Box is an intuitive and constant reminder that someone else in the world is hungry, as well as the importance of saving food. Sharing Lunch Box encourages people to share and donate their food whenever and wherever possible. A good system that will complement the objective of this lunchbox is to set up donation boxes outside convenience stores. These donation food storage boxes will become convenient means for people to give away a section of their lunch, knowing it will go to someone else who needs it. It also helps people who need the food receive charity with dignity.

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