Red Dot Award: Product Design

Red Dot Jury 2024

Through their expertise and commitment, the jury members help to shape the future of design and promote innovative ideas.

The jury of the Red Dot Design Awards 2024 consists of 39 highly qualified experts from 20 different countries and four continents. This diverse and international group brings a wide range of perspectives and expertise to the evaluation process, which emphasises the high standard and global relevance of the competition.

The jury members are renowned personalities from various areas of the design world. They work as professors, consultants, journalists and industrial designers and thus cover a broad spectrum of design disciplines. Their professional backgrounds and extensive experience in the field of design guarantee a well-founded and diverse assessment of the products submitted.

The evaluation criteria

The work of the jury is of central importance for the Red Dot Design Award. It stands for the highest standards of design quality and innovation. The jury members assess each submitted product according to strict criteria and ensure that only the best designs are honoured with the coveted “Red Dot” and “Red Dot: Best of the Best” awards. The award-winning products set new standards in their respective categories, be it in the household, furniture, mobility, medical technology or consumer electronics sectors.

Professor Dr Peter Zec, founder and CEO of the Red Dot Design Award, has defined four central qualities that characterise good design: the quality of function, seduction, use and responsibility. These qualities are developed differently for each product. For some products, the focus is more on seduction, for others on use and so on. However, none of these four aspects should be completely absent. These criteria also serve as a guide for the judges and help them to identify excellent design