Dual Swing

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Swings are a playground activity that both adults and children enjoy. However, regular swings that fit an adult are usually too big and dangerous for smaller children. Dual Swing is designed with a special collapsible mechanism to keep small children safe but it can also be used by adults and older children just like a regular swing. In Dual Swing, a child seat is installed into the swing seat. To let a toddler or small child use the swing, simply lift up the entire folded panel, pull forward the child’s seat and the safety support. This collapsible swing seat, when in use, has armrests on both sides for a child to grip on for security. The material of the seat is a relatively soft silicone material and thus gentle on the child. This swing is simple, convenient, safe and beautifully designed. When a parent pushes a child on the swing, he or she no longer has to worry about the child falling off the swing. Instead, both the parent and the child can enjoy the moment.

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