Red Dot GmbH & Co. KG
A Red Dot Group Company
Martin-Kremmer-Str. 14-16
45327 Essen
Phone +49 201 838885-0
Fax +49 201 838885-10
E-mail: reddot(at)
Represented by the Managing Directors:
Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, Jana Zec, Vito Oražem
Entered in the Register of Companies at:
Charlottenburg district court, entry No. HRA 47359 B
International VAT No.: DE 813224777
General partner: red dot Verwaltungs GmbH,
registered office: Berlin
Entered in the Register of Companies at:
Charlottenburg district court, entry No. HRB 181137 B
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Contact by e-mail is intended for general inquiries or statements only. Any inquiries or statements relating to electronic business, consumer protection, orders, product safety or other matters with a possible legal significance should be communicated by post, fax or telephone. Thank you.
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Copyright Red Dot GmbH & Co. KG 2020. All rights reserved