Smart, strategic consulting and customised designs go hand in hand at loved. For the creatives who work there, storytelling is always part of the branding: how do I speak to people, and what can we speak about? This results in encompassing communication concepts that are daring, different and coherent. This is also how the campaign for FAQ YOU was developed. It ties the brand in with a story: “What makes it successful is that it creates a level playing field for sex education and provides satisfactory answers to the target audience’s most pressing questions”, the creatives say.
Interview with loved
Red Dot: How does one approach young people with sensitive topics?
loved: By letting the right people have a say. Right from the start, we made it our priority to work with authors who are themselves part of the target audience or who have its ear. Volunteer social media influencers did a lot to publicise the campaign and contributed to its success.
How did you create a safe space for young users?
For FAQYOU.com, the safe space is created out of the secure origin. Thanks to our work with schools and our book project, the target audience trusts that the website and all information published on it is safe and checked by experts.
What was your most cherished experience in the course of this project?
We were involved in this project right from the start. The great thing now was having the chance to take it to the next level and to be able to expand it in a playful way – using all the opportunities that digital media have to offer.