Accenture Song

Human Moments

The intelligent mix of design, tech, data, communication and marketing at Accenture Song Brand Germany delivers campaigns that convey brand values in a credible and approachable way. The creatives pay attention to a consistently human-centred approach in order to get as close as possible to the relevant target group. For a Lufthansa LGBTQIA+ campaign, the key lay in documentary short films and the modification of the claim “Say yes to the world” into “The world says yes to you”.
Red Dot about Accenture Song
Documentary short films have the potential to be extremely moving due to their closeness.
Thomas Knüwer
Awarded projects 2024

beOne App | Digital Key
As a comprehensive digital travel companion, the beOne app offers Motel One guests a fully digitised check-in and check-out process for a pleasant and uncomplicated customer experience. A “Mobile Key” available directly in the app replaces the physical room cards.

Lufthansa Pride Campaign 2023 – The World Says Yes to You
To celebrate Pride Month, Lufthansa wanted to help queer people explore the world without fear. In this context, the company searched globally for people who have created islands of tolerance within homophobic environments. In three short documentary films, the launch campaign shows places where queerness is welcome.

Bulgari Digital Flagship Store

ReefCloud – AI-Based Platform for Monitoring Coral Reefs

Forward Faster

Growling Creatures
As the main sponsor of the Wacken Open Air heavy metal music festival, Krombacher was looking for a way to combine heavy metal with its commitment to species protection. The result: Growling Creatures, a metal band with the voices of endangered animals. The band debuted at the festival, and fans could buy shirts to support species conservation.

Good beats for everyone
ALDI Nord used the 50th anniversary of hip-hop as an opportunity for a TikTok challenge in which young artists were invited to rap to three free beats and upload the result under the campaign hashtag #gutebeatsfüralle (good beats for everyone) – based on the brand claim “Gutes für alle” (good things for everyone). The three winning raps were then professionally produced.