Smart Single Use Bioreactor

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Smart Single Use Bioreactor is a reaction-making device for biological cell experiments. It consists of a Bioreactor Equipment and a Bioreactor Control Equipment that can achieve mechanised and rapid biochemical reactions in vitro. Instead of using traditional artificial small batch fermentation to cultivate biological cell reactions, the final target cells or tissue fluid can be obtained more quickly. Multiple functions of biological reaction, environmental conditions and real-time reaction data monitoring are integrated by combining intelligent mechanisation modules. The entire series of operations — production, process, observation, adjustment, and data — is completed quickly and efficiently. Using all-metal bodies for the serialised equipment make them more wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant in the laboratory environment room. It is also provides the best presentation for an intelligent technology environment. The Bioreactor Control Equipment is a multi-functional intelligent control device that detects data and controls the input of supplements and gas. It has an online monitoring system and smartphone connectivity for unmanned experiments. Once everything is in place and the experiment begins, everything can be automated, and any abnormal situation is immediately reported to its app.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Life Science

Red Dot

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