KVVH Annual Report 2018

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KVVH, the Karlsruher Versorgungs-, Verkehrs- und Hafengesellschaften Group, is a municipal service group providing electricity, natural gas and drinking water, as well as operating public transport, road and tunnel construction and the Rhine ports. In order to present this group as flexible, service-oriented and forward-looking, the 2018 annual report consists of two complementary elements: the classic analogue print product in the form of a slim brochure containing the essential content and a digital world of experience in the form of an augmented reality app. Opening the cover of the gaudy turquoise report directly reveals the big map on the inside, which turns the annual report into a stage by means of an app. The instance it is activated on a smartphone, ships are moving across paper pages, buildings are casting their shadows on the table or the floor is tearing open making fountain lines. With an experience that is three-dimensionally tangible from any angle, viewers thus become interactive directors able to playfully satisfy their needs for information at any time.

Statement by the Jury

The 2018 annual report of KVVH impresses not only with a professional realisation in terms of typography, colour and paper, but above all with the cross-media aspect of an AR app. The way in which it formally links to the print edition and can then be used playfully for retrieving additional information has been implemented incredibly well. Tapping into the content and explore it in this way is sheer fun.

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