Red Dot Award: Design Concept

Interview with Adam Nagy

Adam Nagy shares more about his approach to design.

Adam Nagy is responsible for translating seemingly complex technologies and strategies into forms, colours and interactions people understand and feel comfortable with. On a daily basis, he is responsible for everything that faces the end user, while keeping touch with the developer team to address market and user feedbacks.

As a kid, he was always into something creative, be it drawing, music or even dancing. He wanted to be in a profession where creativity have an impact on everyday life. Through industrial design, he’s able to work with the smartest and most interesting people from the most diverse fields.

Adam Nagy shares more about his approach to design.

How would you describe your design research?

I ask a lot. Talking to a business owner, a factory or a retailer can also give a designer great value, therefore I try to meet as many people from the supply chain as possible. These talks lead to more talks and more insights about the given subject.

How do you know if a product is well designed?

A well designed product is well balanced on the edge of evolution and revolution.

What is your biggest design career moment?

You never know how far an idea will get you. There are many lovely moments related to every projects. These can mean travelling around the globe, seeing someone using a product you designed or making friendships with clients. These are all great career moments.

Design school never ends, at least for great designers. How do you learn and grow your knowledge and expertise? 

I try to get insights from different fields. I love reading about science, arts and even economics. I think all of these fields have a huge impact on design. Tools can be learned easily but understanding human nature and culture takes a lifetime.

If you could describe your corporate culture in three words, what would you say?

Friendly, Curious, Optimist

Explore the categories of Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2021.

The Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2021 is open for submissions.

Submission Dates:

  • Late submission: 25 March – 17 May

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