Red Dot Award: Design Concept

Visionary design concepts, the best of 2021 to be announced

Award Celebration on 20 and 21 October

The jury panel for Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2021 has selected the year’s best research projects, prototypes, and design concepts among 4,110 submissions by companies, design studios, research institutions and designers worldwide. Five outstanding Red Dot: Best of the Best design concepts, have been nominated for the highest distinction awarded accorded in the award, the Red Dot: Luminary.

Achievements of this year’s winning design teams and designers will be honoured, and recognised during a two day Online Award Celebration on the 20 and 21 October. The Award Celebration will begin with an opening address at 11 a.m. by Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, CEO and initiator of Red Dot, followed by a speech by Mr. Ken Koo, Asia President of Red Dot. Upon receiving notifications that their works have been awarded, winning design teams were asked to share their winning moments together with their Red Dot Certificates and will be presented on the Red Dot website.

Celebratory moments of 2021 Red Dot: Best of the Bests award-winning design teams and designers with their Red Dot Trophy will be presented on the Red Dot website on the following day as the online celebration continues.

The announcement of the winner for this year’s Red Dot: Luminary will be at 6 p.m. on the 21 October 2021. All of the award-winning design concepts will be made available at on the same day. The online exhibition details the description of the works, high-quality images and further information on the design teams.


Nominated in the category Life Science is the design concept sPEEK by Sagentia Innovation from the United Kingdom. sPEEK is a voice controlled surgical loupe headset that empowers clinicians to deliver uninterrupted care in procedures through handsfree control of magnification and lighting optimisation.

Virgin Galactic Spaceship Interior

Another design concept from the category Mobility and Transportation, Virgin Galactic Spaceship Interior designed by Seymourpowell in the United Kingdom is a nominee. Seymourpowell collaborated with Virgin Galactic on the interior design of Unity, the world's first commercial spaceship.

.lumen - Glasses for the Blind

In the category Communication Technology, .lumen - Glasses for the Blind is nominated for the Red Dot: Luminary, a design concept by .lumen company and DESIRO Vision based in Romania. The .lumen glasses mimic the helpful characteristics of a guide dog for the blind, but without the drawbacks of the non-scalable solution.

Multi-Purpose Delivery Vehicle

Multi-Purpose Delivery Vehicle in the category of Mobility and Transportation, is designed by canoo in the United States. The Multi-Purpose Delivery Vehicle (MPDV) is an all-electric commercial and small business solution purposefully designed to maximise productivity and return on investment for users.

Cognixion ONE

Cognixion ONE from the category Virtual and Augmented Reality emerged as a nominee, designed by STEL based in the United States. Cognixion ONE is a wearable speech generating device that enables communication in those with disabilities like never before. It is the world’s first Brain Computer Interface with Augmented Reality.