Social Media Campaign

Xbox Equality Controller

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Women make up about half of the gaming community. They are successful in e-sports and hold leadership positions in the gaming industry. But in gaming, women not only have to fight against their opponents, but also against prejudice and sexist discrimination, which often takes the fun out of gaming for them. To show that “Gaming for everyone” is more than just a slogan, a worldwide initiative was launched during Women’s History Month to support and celebrate women in gaming. For this purpose, the “most sacred” part of the console – the controller – was transformed into a statement for equality by replacing the “B” button of the controller with the “equality” symbol and providing it with a special function: when pressing the button, players hear messages from the most famous and successful women in the gaming industry, which are meant to convey strength and self-confidence. The controller was designed in a limited edition in four different kinds of special packaging, created by internationally renowned illustrators, and sent to gaming influencers in 23 countries on four continents to give the message of equality the necessary reach.


This social media campaign impresses with the enormous and resounding impact it has created. By changing the “B” button on the controller and adding the messages it triggers, gamers are automatically confronted with the issues of equality and diversity, which are particularly problematic in this community, and thus are made aware of them in a spectacular way. The underlying social concern is thus transported in a very beautiful and forceful way.

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