Set-Top Box
Remote Control
Vodafone GigaTV
Ergonomics, functionality and reduction are the main features of the Vodafone GigaTV remote control. The two-row layout of the 25 keys results in a clear arrangement. Only the keys at the centre of the remote control, which are most important for operation, distinguish themselves with regard to shape and arrangement and are additionally highlighted visually by a white frame. The slim shape, the matt rubber coating, the shifting of the centre of gravity towards the lower edge and the underside ledge ensure that the GigaTV remote control is intuitively positioned correctly and rests well in the hand.
With its sophisticated layout, slim shape and comfortable tactile feel, this remote control is highly user-friendly.
Manufacturer:Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH, Unterföhring, Germany
Manufacturer:Universal Electronics B.V., Enschede, Netherlands
Design:Thorsten Buch, Munich, Germany
Design:Christian Olufemi, Munich, Germany