Virtual Personal Assistant

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Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) digitalises enterprise processes, streamlining and reducing repetitive tasks. This mobile-based, AI-powered solution allows employees to focus on more important tasks, maximising productivity and strengthening remote collaboration. The solution was developed to help office workers manage their time. Work prioritisation features like ‘Task Reminder’ use artificial intelligence to keep track of and organise users’ schedules, helping them stay on top of deadlines and tasks. VPA also eliminates repetitive steps that occur in everyday office processes; for example, simplifying the steps needed to share files or set up devices and communication systems. It also provides a predictive search system that helps users find the information they need quickly. In addition to its suite of time-saving features, VPA is also designed for global collaboration. It offers real-time translation and simultaneous document editing, which reduces potential miscommunication between teams around the world. This allows users to focus on more creative and high-value work. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Workplace

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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