Low-temperature heating systems, such as underfloor heating, are energy-efficient but vulnerable to air bubbles and dirt contamination. Air causes biofilm and corrosion, and leads to inefficiency and a higher energy consumption. Heating up takes longer, cold zones develop, and the system may even fail.
Flushing has so far been the only (temporary) remedy, but prevention is better, cheaper and more sustainable than cure. Conventional air separators do not work well at low temperatures. While vacuum degassers are effective, they are often too large and expensive for small systems as well as making quite a lot of noise. The VACUSTREAM solves this problem.
VACUSTREAM is a compact, pumpless, and quiet degasser (measuring approximately 45 x 15 cm) for systems up to a capacity of 500 litres. Due to its physical dimensions and degassing capacity, it is also extremely well suited for smaller low-temperature systems in domestic and small commercial applications. The focused temperature range (-5 ºC to +65 ºC) allows the VACUSTREAM to work both when using heating and cooling solutions.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready For Market | Heating and Air Conditioning