PANO’s innovation lies in patient data analysis and diagnostic segmentation, enabling dental healthcare providers to streamline treatment plans and overcome communication barriers. By leveraging these tools, PANO graphically presents essential treatment procedures and information, making complex dental care understandable. The PANO app further aids patients in self-screening, learning daily dental care practices, and understanding their dental health and treatment options. This instils confidence in the accuracy and efficiency of their providers.
Using Personal Health Records (PHR), Electronic Medical Records (EMR), and dental images, PANO creates precise 3D models of patients’ dental conditions. These models, meticulously analysed for anatomical accuracy, deliver accurate diagnoses and recommend treatments with minimal side effects. PANO’s methodical approach elevates medical service standards, mitigates medical disputes, and enhances resource efficiency, contributing to a more accessible dental health ecosystem.
AI-driven dental care platforms like PANO are crucial, considering that over 68% of the World Health Organisation’s member states have fewer than five dentists per 10,000 population. This scarcity poses challenges to patients with limited medical knowledge, leading to misdiagnoses and delayed treatments. PANO bridges this gap, addressing global dental healthcare resource imbalances.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Service Design