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Lumo is a tapware range that motivates mindful water usage and improves water efficiency at home by providing a better opportunity to encourage behavioural change of water use in the modern household. To bring more awareness to ingrained habits, it provides explicit feedback, quantifies water usage and provides positive reinforcement. It is also self-powered with renewable energy for easy maintenance. With Lumo’s just-in-time prompts and effective water usage, users can save up to 60% of water use. Lumo is responsive and produces clear, immediate feedback on water use in the form of light signals. The light strip first lights up when Lumo is turned on and starts to descend upon approaching target water use. Exceeding target water use will trigger the light strip to flash, alerting the user that they should reduce their usage. Target water use is based on recommended water usage and is calculated on a per-use basis, which includes 90 second breaks within each session of use. Users can set their own targets through an app to tailor to their needs. With a connection to Wi-Fi, information on usage is sent to the app in real-time and can be tracked accordingly. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Bathroom & Hygiene

Red Dot

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