
Lingua Digitalis

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Pictograms are a form of language that are understood by people all over the world and which, thanks to the global proliferation of apps, have gained enormous rele-vance. Following on from the books “Lingua Grafica” and “Lingua Universalis”, “Lingua Digitalis” illustrates the development of icons, pictograms and logos for digital media. Compiling more than a thousand examples and, to some extent, unpublished pictograms, the book explains the development process of a work from a strategic point of view and shows how to gain access to complex or abstract tasks via a diversity of platforms. Lingua Digitalis thus constitutes both a tool and adviser for everyday design activities. Its layout is marked by a clear and distinctive design that conveys the content in both German and English, and, above all, visually, thus providing insights into a rich universal world of images – for global communication beyond words. Statement by the jury »Lingua Digitalis is a further demonstration of the continuous work of Mutabor on the contemporary culture of images. The book not only demonstrates how versatile and vivid pictograms are in use; with its clear and engaging design it also conveys a sense of the fun that working with pictograms can be.«

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