Smart Toilet - Cym702 Seat

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The Cym702 Seat aims to revolutionise self-health management by removing the inconveniences associated with traditional urinalysis. The device converts multi-step urine tests into an automated and compacted simplified one-step test, saving time and reducing the possibility of human error. The Cym702 Seat generates accurate results about the user’s health using colour sensors and deep learning algorithms, and sends personalised and systematic health management solutions on a daily basis. The Cym702 Seat consists of a rotating gutter that collects urine, a sensor unit that reads the colour of the urine test strip, and a main body that connects the two features to the toilet while also acting as a cleaning unit. To use, press the button and insert the urine test strip into the gutter. The device will automatically rotate and lower to collect the urine sample. The gutter then returns to its original position, allowing the sensor to read the colour data value from the urine test strip. This data is analysed by a deep learning algorithm and displayed directly on the app. When the analysis is finished, the gutter lowers and discharges the urine test strip, activating the water for automatic cleaning. The Cym702 Seat provides easy access to daily health screening by automatically measuring important bodily information from urine discarded in the toilet every morning. To complement its function, the device is also designed to emphasise cleanliness, aesthetics, and professionalism while blending in with any bathroom fittings. It fits seamlessly on top of most existing toilet bowls on the market, without causing any visual interruption. Moreover, the product is relatively easy to self-install by opening the side of the product and attaching it to the toilet seat. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Life Science

Red Dot

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