Citizen Centric State Government Portal

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Public information is often fragmented, hard to access, and scattered across various government websites. This makes it difficult for citizens to find crucial information that could help improve their work and lives – be it a citizen looking for open and accessible food banks, a business owner looking for information on property taxes, or a journalist looking for salaries and financial records of elected officials. This entry is about a partnership between a state government* and SAP’s Design and Co-Innovation Centre to help realise a vision of a more transparent and citizen-centric government. The solution is a one-stop, personalised web portal that allows citizens to access information that previously existed on 91 different state department websites. The portal uses machine learning to understand the user and provide information relevant to them, ensuring they get the right content at the right time. Additionally, the flattened information architecture, coupled with user interaction models and patterns catering to personalised content, allows users to easily and intuitively access relevant information. Finally, the minimalist design of the portal is responsive across desktop, mobile, and wearables, accommodating the various user groups involved. By working alongside the government representatives responsible for this project, the SAP DCC team used a number of design thinking and user-centred design tools and methodologies that the State government has committed to implementing in future work. Beyond the solution itself, this project pushes the boundaries of how governments are expected to engage with their citizens, online and offline. *The state government is not named for confidentiality reasons.

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