cigar cellar
The cigar cellar was developed for the storage and presentation of cigars. A humidification module optimises air humidity so that fine cigars do not lose their flavour. Moreover, the glass door is coated with a UV filter to prevent the cigars from being damaged by light. The different shelves are made of high-quality cedar wood and designed for the storage of cigar boxes and single cigars. Thanks to the compact exterior dimensions, the humidor is suitable for a space-saving under-counter installation.
The humidor meets the high demands of the target group due to its valuable materials and technical features.
Manufacturer:Haier Group, Qingdao, China
Design:Haier Innovation Design Center, Xin Yuehao, Li Xia, Meng Xiangbo, Huang Zeping, Jiang Chunhui, Cai Qinshuo, Qingdao, China