AR Calendar

Change of Perspective

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, a total of 27 students from the Department of Communication Design have designed a calendar as a gift with augmented reality features. Under the title “Change of Perspective”, the calendar presents the people and facets of the university and opens up as a space for a concentrated diversity of polarising, courageous, aesthetic, humorous, intelligent, serious, quiet and loud perspectives. For this, interviews were conducted with people who are connected to the university in different ways, and the quotes were then translated visually and in terms of content into abstracted motifs for the calendar pages. Each of them is individually designed to convey targeted creativity – in an experimental interplay of words, graphics, colour, typography and photography. Via a QR code with the smartphone and the Instagram app, the AR layer is activated, whereby the quotes begin to move three-dimensionally in space. Surprisingly, interactively, spatially and playfully, the quotes can thus be explored – inviting users to take a new perspective and look at the topics from a different angle beyond the university context.


“Change of Perspective” offers a completely new approach to a calendar and thus the possibility for a real change of perspective. The concept is very coherent from the idea to the execution, from the message and the content to the final design implementation and represents an excellent example of creativity paired with a high degree of technical and playful know-how. Both the fact that and how the illustrations move in space and interact with the viewer is extremely exciting.

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