Client: Cine Sky Limited, Shenzhen, China
Signage System,Orientation System
Aufbau Haus
This individual signage and orientation system was developed for the Aufbau Haus at Moritzplatz in Berlin, which houses an exciting mix of tenants, such as the publisher’s group Aufbau Verlag, the Planet Modulor with its adjacent “planets”, as well as galleries, designers and photographers. The design concept combines typography and material in the second and third dimensions. Excerpted bylines – flexibly arrayed and complemented by seemingly three-dimensional symbols – lend the Aufbau Haus its unique identity. The black-and-white colour scheme emphasises its rough concrete architecture.
Client:Moritzplatz 1 Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin
Design:Moniteurs GmbH, Berlin
art direction:Heike Nehl
concept:Christian Witt