Container Facade Design

Alexander Bürkle – Space for Transformation

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The company Alexander Bürkle has transformed from an electrical wholesale trader to a technology service provider. After 118 years of successful company history, this process called for a visual as well as a strategic renewal. Both are expressed through a new visual design with a logo that looks like a self-reliant power icon. The answer to the question of how this transformation could be triggered was found in thinking outside the box to conceive a new strategy, structure, culture and look. The key for this was the team itself, rethinking them together. Therefore, a comprehensive internal communication campaign was first designed to involve, explain and inform, followed by setting up 12 containers with a total floor space of 250 sqm on two levels at the company’s Freiburg headquarters. This space for transformation literally functioned as a think tank, a lab for creating ideas, and an event location for holding workshops and lectures, as well as having fun. The result was a bold and playful demonstration of the new corporate design, which was revealed at the opening event of the “container village”. A wall of ideas showed the vision in bold and big red letters, while the containers themselves embodied the statement of entering a new era.


The spatial design for Alexander Bürkle is an outstanding example of communication con-vincingly implemented into a given space. It comprises a powerful visual design with graphics that work without words and an equally clear architecture that blend together to create ex-citing interior spaces. These convey the message that the lab and the think tank were living, productive places that instigated change – both on the outside and inside.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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