Theatre_Enduring Memories of Shaoshanchong_Stage SetDesign

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The Theatre of Enduring Memories of Shaoshanchong is the first theatre to attempt using large-scale CNC technology to construct a stage space. Within a stage area of 2450 square metres, 468 LED strip lights are installed to form a matrix of lights with a total of 936 lifting points conducting up-down movements controllable by CNC. Through the CNC technology, 468 LED strip lights create various scenes by moving, combining, shifting and going up and down uninterruptedly in the stage space, presenting flowing pictures of light strips in the physical space. The change of the light-strips matrix empowered by CNC is the primary means in which the stage art design is presented. The designers used technology to express their romantic ideals and made a bold attempt to integrate technology and art.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Exhibition and Events

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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