Seven Days & Nights, Love is Daylight

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This book for a love story set against the backdrop of an elite transnational business war employs a delicately wavering and beautiful plot, while interweaving western fashion and elegance with an eastern philosophical language into a magnificent visual mirage. The context of the theme is refined by an illuminated skyline, reflective orange sunlight, silver moonlight, a static deconstructed two- colour dazzling image, and the intersections between day and moon, light and line. The punctuation at the beginning of the chapter is hieroglyphic, partly hidden and partly visible, combining seven days and nights and 360° rotations. The order of the 101 chapters explains that love is the cycle of everything in the world. Overall, the book combined seven different switching scenes with brand new visions. Browsing through this book of love and time is like being immersed in a brilliant world of colourful glaze.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Visual Communication

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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