Fragrance of Air Pollution

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Fragrance of Air Pollution employs perfume as a vehicle to show various everyday objects that cause air pollution. Fifteen everyday air pollution sources that can be smelt and seen are contained in perfume vials. This design depicts the interaction between perfume and air pollution in an ironic design concept. The fifteen sources of pollution are depicted in grayscale, arranged and combined in an orderly fashion to create a more atmospheric feeling. The overall design incorporates a minimalist layout design that makes extensive use of dot illustration design. The dots resemble airborne suspended particles, which are one of the most serious health risks caused by air pollution because they are too small to be seen but constantly present in the air, causing significant harm. Fragrance of Air Pollution highlights how volatile organic compounds released by everyday chemical products enter the urban atmosphere in large quantities, forming ozone or fine particle pollution through chemical reactions and endangering human health. From the initial concept to the final book installation — making every bottle of perfume, photographing and synthesising every piece of work — the goal is to draw attention to the seriousness of air pollution through creative design and concepts.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Visual Communication

Red Dot

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