What does an exotic-sounding name say about an applicant? This is the question at the core of the film promoting equal opportunities for education and jobs. Viewers are faced with some home truths presented in a humorous, yet extremely effective way. The brightly coloured scenes with their graphic design as well as the plain and ironic narrative play cleverly with clichés and make their point in an easy-to-understand manner. An applicant’s qualifications, and not where he or she comes from, his or her skin colour, religion or name, should be the deciding factor when selecting applicants for educational and professional opportunities.
Verein zur Förderung akzeptierender Jugendarbeit, Bremen, Germany
Design / Production:
The Visual Truth, Bremen, Germany
Concept / Text:
Roman Wolter, Julian Lodders
Graphic Design / Animation:
Roman Wolter, Julian Lodders
René Dawn-Claude, Berlin, Germany
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