Client: Salzgitter AG, Salzgitter, Germany
BMW Group Annual Report 2017
With its new strategy, the BMW Group is placing e-mobility, driverless cars and digitisation in the spotlight, as reflected in the title of the 2017 annual report. The stories in the digital magazine bear witness to this by recounting how four teams of employees are shaping the future with their ideas. Rich media content, expansive image galleries, videos and a profusion of diverse individual scroll effects alternate to create a distinctive user experience. In the online version, the “The financial year 2017 at a glance” section gives a concise summary of the key facts and figures. The presentation of key data features interactive charts using animated effects which give all the information in a very short time.
Client:BMW Group, Munich, Germany
- gmbh, Munich, Germany
Art Direction:Frank Wagner
Design Direction Online:Dirk Habenschaden
Communication Design Online:Carlos Hoyos
Project Management:Tanja Semet