Fa-Hsiang Hu
Langjähriger Erfolg
Neben seiner Position als Executive Creative Director bei Hufax Arts ist Fa-Hsiang Hu auch Director der Taiwan Graphic Design Association sowie der Taiwan Poster Design Association. An der Fu Jen Catholic University bekleidet er den Posten eines Assistenzprofessors am Department of Applied Arts. Für seine Arbeiten erhielt Fa-Hsiang Hu zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter einen Red Dot: Best of the Best. Seine Poster und Bücher wurden auf internationalen Biennalen ausgestellt, z. B. in Warschau, der Slowakei, Bolivien und Macau.
Red Dot über Fa-Hsiang Hu
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Fa-Hsiang Hu, hufax arts / FJCU
Daten und Fakten
Ausgezeichnetes Projekt 2023
Keep on Walking
The promotional posters of the "Keep on walking" series use detailed illustrations to trace the history and development of the advertised copper fibre compression socks. The stories told through the illustrations are meant to entice buyers to create their own memories while wearing the socks.
9935 (SOS Coral)
The white, coral-shaped soaps are packaged in cans to illustrate the fact that they are soon facing the expiry date despite the life of longevity. Thereby it arouses people’s concern and the awareness of corals’ living conditions.
72 Toilet Rules – Campaign for Public Restroom Etiquette
The public restroom envoy turns “potty” behavior into proper daily habits, demonstrates various manners in a humorous way, and conveys proper values that allow the public to easily understand the essential restroom etiquette for being a quality citizen.