Designer profile
The design team of Professor Jungho Jung, Department of Design at Chonnam National University, is an intellectualised convergent design lab that strives to improve mankind’s quality of life by discovering new products and services applying the latest innovative technologies, for example AI, robotics, IoT, big data, AR/VR or 3D printing. The aim here is to creatively solve either ill-defined or complex problems through constant experimentation and trial and error based on the design research methodology of design thinking, and also to continuously conduct convergent design research projects to elevate the survival value of future design indexes. In addition, Professor Jungho Jung strives to inculcate a new value of design and also support design students to cultivate their creative problem-solving skills multilaterally to enhance their leadership in design initiatives.
Red Dot: To what extent do you think new technologies are changing design?
Chonnam National University: New technologies influence social, political, economic and environmental issues affecting human life, and a new approach is required in the field of design through convergence with other fields. Assuming the essential characteristics of design that makes human life more beautiful, research should continue in the direction of design through the acceptance of new technologies.
How would you define good communication design?
To explore and analyse human experiences and behaviours to improve or create new values.
What makes your work unique?
Combining design, management and technology, we seek to differentiate ourselves through a logical and intuitive problem-solving method.
What intention do you pursue with your award-winning work? “Greenpot Mindfulness Service” enables remote plant cultivation activities that can control temperature, humidity etc. in conjunction with a smartphone, and provides psychological healing programmes related to gardening activities through VR contents, in order to relieve stress and depression. Through this, it will be possible to increase the possibility of expanding differentiated psychological healing contents for the underprivileged in the medical blind spot.
Was your award-winning work inspired by current social issues? Although our society currently implements support policies for the vulnerable socially isolated, it shows various limitations and is lukewarm in improving practical health care behaviour. So, by developing mind-healing VR content based on repeated feedback from consumers for their active life, we want to promote an active, healthy daily life and counteract social and psychological isolation, anxiety, depression and the alienation phenomenon.