Zeichen & Wunder
Think Big!
With 50 employees, Zeichen & Wunder is one of Germany’s leading brand agencies, and it also offers analogue communication at the highest level. With a keen sense for haptics and materials, the creative minds surprise their clients time and again with ideas that are literally touching. The poster series for Bayerische Hausbau shows how clever illustrations, a sensitive approach to the format, and brilliant printing can create eye-catchers.
Red Dot about Zeichen & Wunder
Despite their diversity, the buildings have one thing in common: they tell stories of the company’s courage and creative drive.
Marcus von Hausen
Awarded in
Awarded projects 2024
Bayerische Hausbau RE – 70th Anniversary
Die anlässlich des 70-jährigen Bestehens der Bayerischen Hausbau gestaltete Plakatserie rückt die Architektur in den Mittelpunkt. Anhand von acht ikonischen Gebäuden lässt sie den Betrachter in die Geschichte und Chronologie des Unternehmens eintauchen.