Print Campaign


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The print ad campaign for the smart fortwo is inspired by and builds upon the iconic shape and size of this car, promoting and underlining the car’s shape and size as its outstanding quality. The graphically reduced headline campaign lists various people who you would hardly want to take with you in your car, such as mother’s new boyfriend who insists on being called Dad or your partner’s cousin who is unable to keep the kebab to himself. Thus, it seems quite fortunate that the smart fortwo offers just enough space only for those people that you really want to take with you. These people are identified in white letters set above or within the monochrome black silhouette of the smart, thus illustrating the message “You+1”. The highly minimalist design solution for the campaign interrelates form and content in an original approach and thus manages to convey the message with sharp wit. Statement by the jury »This print campaign embodies a smart advert in the truest sense. The outstanding feature is that it does not place the product, the smart fortwo, centre stage and that it follows a humorous approach to promote the car’s advantages. Their simple and clear illustration makes the ad easy to understand and the advantage immediately obvious.«

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