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Yanfeng designed and developed the XiM21s to showcase how technology and integrations can create an intuitive, customisable environment tailored to the wants and needs of consumers. The XiM21s offers passengers with a space that is infinitely adaptable. The XiM21s allow passengers to customise their journeys, whether they prefer a quiet and relaxing ride or an immersive entertainment experience. Passengers have easy access to controls regardless of where they sit thanks to fully integrated smart surfaces and reconfigurable touch displays. Each trip can be made truly unique by choosing the seating position, ambient lighting, sound, and scent. The XiM21s is a glimpse into the near future, where mobile spaces aided by electrification and driver assistance systems become the next living space and vehicles will demand deeper technology integration. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Mobility and Transportation

Red Dot

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