Brand Design
Kyoto Nakasei

Kyoto Nakasei is a pioneer of dry-aged beef in Japan. The brand design of the shop has been overhauled and the logo now boasts a calligraphic aesthetic, featuring a circle with a single line through its centre. The artistically appealing signet emulates the character “naka”, used in the shop’s name, expressing the owner’s credo of “bringing cow, people and meat together”. The wine-red of dry-aged beef is the characteristic colour of the brand. It is sometimes used as a background colour and sometimes as a font colour against a white background. The strong colour contrast contributes to an elegant overall appearance.
Client:Nakasei Ltd., Kyoto, Japan
Design:canaria inc., Tokyo, Japan
Creative Direction / Art Direction:Yuji Tokuda
Graphic Design:Mariko Yamasaki