
Jägermeister 9556 Nights of Exploration

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Out of the Box

When a brand’s success story continues over decades, it is seldom the result of luck or chance. More often than not, this level of success is achieved by a perfect combination of excellent quality, targeted communication and, last but not least, the courage to innovate. Today’s cult products will either be forgotten tomorrow – or adapt to the times and retain their cult status. Jägermeister is a cult brand that perfectly understands the art of capturing target audience emotions and winning over new generations of connoisseurs. Legendary campaigns over the years have helped the brand to stay relevant, just as the current special edition “9556 Nights of Exploration” is doing. What all of these campaigns have in common is perfect storytelling that delivers new momentum. There is far more to “9556 Nights of Exploration” than just a bottle of Jägermeister in a distinctive-looking box. It serves as a stage for showcasing a successful experiment. Dr Günther Findel, the son-in-law of the man who invented Jägermeister, wanted to find out how the basic ingredient of the traditional liqueur changes when it is left to mature in oak barrels for 25 years – or 9,556 nights. In 2023, a special edition of the long-guarded elixir was finally launched in 2,500 hand-numbered bottles in 15 countries. It’s a great story, but one that needed to be told in a contemporary way. So Jägermeister collaborated with the international artist Mago Dovjenko, who captured the character of “9556 Nights of Exploration” in the form of an oil painting. A non-fungible token of his work is integrated as a code on the inside of the bottle cap. To access this precious extra, the buyer has to open the bottle and, in keeping with Jägermeister’s brand philosophy, enjoy it in good company. “The packaging for ‘9556 Nights of Exploration’ is a perfect example of masterful storytelling,” was the jury’s verdict. “The high-quality wooden box conveys the special nature of the content, and the absence of a bottle label puts the product centre stage. The fact that the messaging is only revealed as the product is drunk is another great idea.” It will be interesting to see what innovations Jägermeister will come up with next ... at night, when the world is asleep.

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