Exhibition Design

Go! Go! South Pole – Adventurous Horizon

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Can adventures inspire learning and how can a brand present its statements in order to have an influence on society? As their tenth anniversary approached in 2018, the Gamania Cheer Up Foundation initiated the Big Dream project “Go! Go! South Pole” and thus set the record for the first cross-country skiing group at the South Pole. In the extreme environment, the group reached the “end of the earth” by cross-country skiing, forging through wind and snow at 30 degrees Celsius below zero and wind speeds of up to 50 metres per second. In the exhibition, visitors were invited to explore the Antarctic journey through AR, digital internet technology and bodily sensations such as of a harsh storm and extremely cold temperature, enabling visitors to experience various scenes in this rough, inhospitable environment. The adventures at the South Pole were structured into six narrative chapters, in order to not only inspire a sense of adventure among visitors but also to actually create immersive adventures themselves through ice, snow or a protective tent.


The exhibition project “Go! Go! South Pole” succeeds in conveying an experience of the ice and snow atmosphere of the Antarctic in a truly captivating manner by activating various sensory levels. By being confronted with icy cold temperatures and extreme winds, visitors could not only immerse in the adventure of this project, but also experience the unapproachable continent authentically and thus gain a better understanding of it.

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