Finanz Informatik

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Finanz Informatik, based in Frankfurt, Germany, is the IT service provider of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Savings Banks Finance Group). It was created in 2008 from a merger between FinanzIT (Hannover) and Sparkassen Informatik (Frankfurt). The new company thus became the joint IT service provider for all German savings banks and other companies in the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and the financial services sector. Finanz Informatik offers complete IT services – from application development, infrastructure and data centre operation to consulting, training and support. Today, with OSPlus, the company is one of the leading total banking systems in the German market. The IT service provider’s trademark clearly indicates that it is part of the savings banks group. The iconic “S” symbol of the Sparkasse and the strong red corporate colour of the banking group are taken up in the logo mark. At the same time, the brand name simply follows the “S” and is written in small letters, conveying seriousness and emphasising the focus of the company through the bold use of the term IT for informatics. A separate logo in the corporate red of the Sparkasse integrates the initial letters “f” and “i” in a square and serves as a memorable, space-saving identifier. A sound spectrum based on a triad in the key of F sharp serves as the corporate sound and varies depending on the area of application. The website of Finanz Informatik has been consistently optimised for display on smartphones. Image formats are defined following the 16:9 ratio principle. Since nowadays touch surfaces with icons for orientation often represent the first contact with the brand, a brand-typical icon language was developed that complements and stringently continues the basic elements of the corporate design. The self-proclaimed Finanz Informatik mission is to accompany customers into the digital future. This is expressed in the slogan “Wir sichern den digitalen Vorsprung” (We care for digitisation) and is filled with life at live events, as well as in internal and external communication. Customer and employee magazines, commercials and image films aim to take away the fear of digitisation, to make people embrace change or to inspire reflection and thus establish an emotional level in brand loyalty.

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