The FRIDOM minibar range, a coinage of the words “fridge” and “freedom”, eliminates all constraints when it comes to furnishing hotel rooms. These mini fridges designed by Massimo Mussapi won over the jury because they can be installed in a variety of ways – wall-mounted as a hanging version, standing on a table or the floor or else freely positioned within the room. With several versions to choose from, these refrigerators are all equipped with patented Ecosmart technology for silent operation and best-in-class energy savings.
Consisting of Timer, Smart and Eco modes, Ecosmart techonogy makes sure that the compressor is only activated when the room is not occupied.
Transforming the minibar into a central element of the hotel room’s interior design and even a beautiful item of furniture, as is the case with the award-winning model CUBE Freestanding, makes the FRIDOM range a genuine game changer in world of hotel refrigerators.
Indel B S.p.A., Sant'Agata Feltria (Rimini), Italy
Massimo Mussapi, Dr. Massimo Mussapi, Milano, Italy