Color Index System

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Color Index System is based on the common experience of having forgotten where the car is parked in a crowded commercial building and becoming disoriented. In a modern society filled with an endless amount of textual information, numbers are no longer a clear means of memory. The language with the most intuitive and clear association function in city life is colour. Customers in buildings equipped with Color Index System will have an unconscious homing instinct to return to their parking floor. Upon parking, exiting their car, and proceeding to the lift boarding gate, they will start noticing the distinct colour of their floor. As they call and board the lift, the image of the colour will be imprinted in their minds because they are constantly exposed to it. When the lift door opens, even the interior lighting matches the colour of the platform, so the colour is strongly registered once more. For each floor, the buttons on the lift control panel are also coloured differently. When returning to their parking lot, passengers will naturally find the parking floor by recalling the colour of their floor and checking the coloured buttons of the elevator. The display of the input device encountered inside and outside the lift uses an intuitive and interesting GUI that shows directions. The colour changes naturally as the floor moves, allowing passengers to sense the movement of the space and arrive at their destination. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Interaction and User Experience

Red Dot

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