National Taipei University of Education




National Taipei University of Education

Thinking beyond packaging

Zhong-Wei Lin not only studies arts and design at the National Taipei University of Education, he has already founded the company FeiChing Design, which is dedicated to innovative design projects. “The aim is to advance the sustainable circular economy of brands, packaging and products,” says the young creative. Together with Yu-Ting Chen, Kai-Chieh Hsueh and Hsun-Yu Chang, he developed the SUPPLUS project, which is both thoughtfully conceived and relevant due to the many conflict zones around the world.

Red Dot about National Taipei University of Education

I love the diverse nature of design and hope to improve people’s lives through innovative solutions.

Zhong-Wei Lin

Facts and figures


Students as of 2023


Distinctions in the Red Dot Award


Year of foundation

Winning projects 2023

Ausgezeichnete Projekte seit 2011

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