Designer profile

Daewon — To connect space with people’s lifestyles.

From the textile business to domestic and foreign construction business and F&B business, Daewon has grown with its customers over the past 50 years and emphasised the importance of coexistence with the local communities. Daewon will continue its effort to promote steady growth with its innovation and challenge its internal management to fulfil the needs and changes of the global market.

Daewon interviewed by Red Dot

Red Dot: To what extent do you think new technologies are changing design?
Daewon: The encounter of different contacts creates the most active form of a thing. Therefore, we hope the advancement of new technologies always heads towards meaningful projects. In that aspect, we like universal designs.

How would you define good communication design?
It is the truth, and the time to know me and the other. It is hard but will remain as a valuable time once we understand each other.

What makes your work unique?
Love, obsession and greed. It is about re-melting the energy from them with a warm heart and wit. Then you have the feeling that you are doing a pretty good job. That is when you feel the work is special.

Was your award-winning work inspired by current social issues?
It was about housing issue in Korea. Apartments in Korea are regarded as real estate assets beyond life. We wanted to point out through our work that we need to overcome the wealth that housing represents and achieve a balance of individual lives and understanding of the life of others.

Please describe the concept of creativity against the background of your award-winning work.              The question was, “how do we design a balanced life?” Life exists in numerous types, which cannot be understood and integrated into one. Yet, we try to accept them and create the answer of a balanced life.

“To connect space with people’s lifestyles.”