Gustavo Greco
Gustavo Greco is the founder and creative director of GRECO.The studio has received many prestigious awards like DesignLions at the Cannes Festival, D&AD, Grand Prix at the Red Dot Design Award, iF Communication Award, Lusophone Awards, London International Awards, and an Award of the Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño. Gustavo Greco is also active in academia as a professor of the Post-Baccalaureate & Specialization course in Brand Management at Uni-BH. He engagesfor initiatives for the dissemination of design in Brazil andwas national president of ABEDESIGN (2019–2021), currentlyserving on the board of that institution. He is a frequentjuror of design awards and in 2019 also was curator of the 13th Brazilian Biennial of Graphic Design (ADG BRASIL).
Red Dot: You act as a jury member for several design competitions. What makes them relevant in your opinion?
Gustavo Greco: Design competitions set creative standards, educate, inspire and promote good design. They increase people’s awareness of the importance of design. An award-winning project is a relevant project.
To what extent is design changed by new technologies?
Technologies and design are inseparable, influencing each other mutually. But I see technologies as a means to an end and not the end in themselves; as a means of putting into practice the way designers think, always focused on human beings.
How did you experience this year’s jury process?
We converted the familial environment during the jury session into a digital process. Even so, the search for highly qualified international talent and the commitment to achieving special results made it a very distinguished moment.