Red Dot: Brand of the Year 2014
Jongga Kimchi Blast Team (Daesang)
Renewal of a traditional brand
The Korean food producer Daesang has made healthy nutrition its core message and owns various subsidiary brands, including Jongga, Korea’s leading kimchi trademark. Jongga represents a long tradition and a wealth of expertise in the authentic production of kimchi. At the same time, it is constantly innovating to satisfy different consumer preferences and the changing trends in society. The brand’s visual identity plays a decisive role in communicating the message that, at Jongga, traditional preparation and innovation go hand in hand.
Red Dot on Jongga Kimchi Blast Team (Daesang)
Jongga, the number one Korean brand of kimchi, aims to become a kimchi brand that reflects the spirit of the times and is popular across all age groups and regions.
Jongga Kimchi Blast Team (Daesang)
Awarded in
Awarded projects 2024
JONGGA – Kimchi Blast Seoul 2023
Mit einem frischen Markendesign und einem Pop-up-Store zielt die traditionsreiche Kimchi-Marke JONGGA auf eine jüngere Käuferschicht. Basierend auf einem dekonstruktivistischen Ansatz, wurden neue grafische Motive aus dem sechseckigen Markenlogo abgeleitet, die das gesamte visuelle Konzept prägen.