With its range of innovative 3D Construction Toy-Bricks and 3D Jigsaw Puzzles, the XS Family Of Toys (patents pending) fosters creativity and imagination, while promoting spatial dexterity and nurturing problem-solving skills in young curious minds. They help children learn better through active brain-teasing fun and challenging logical play. Targeting children ages 4-14, the family of toys addresses the need for stimulating STEM toys for the children of tomorrow.
Although designed primarily for young children in their formative years, these toys will keep young and adult users of all ages engrossed for hours. The family has two distinct types of toys: 3D Construction Toy-Bricks (1X / 2X) and 3D Jigsaw Puzzles (3X / 4X / 5X / 6X), each made with positive-clicking (instead of friction-based) interlocks that allow pieces to interface from all six orthogonal directions. Components of all toys can engage with each other too, thus increasing their versatility and forming an umbrella family of fun-filled toys. The unique selling proposition of these STEM education-aiding toys is to prompt children to think, analyse and solve problems, thus enhancing their lifelong physical, emotional, social, cognitive, creative and communication skills.
The 3D Construction toy-brick’s ability to interface with a sturdy snap-fit on all six sides in 3D space lends to robust assemblies of creative 3D forms. This means it can be used to build any 3D toy-structures of the child’s imagination, even those that are difficult to build with conventional 2D toy-bricks in the market today. The components of the 3D Jigsaw Puzzles have a similar interlocking attribute, but poses a different and unique challenge: To assemble a cube out of 9, 16, 25 or similarly shaped interlocking components. The bigger the puzzle, the bigger the problem-solving challenge it presents. The seeming sameness of all its components poses an interesting twist/challenge to the end-user. Each cube can be assembled differently using the same identical components, thus leading to many possible solutions.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Childhood