Corporate Publishing
TWELVE – The Magazine for Brands, Media and Communication

Twelve was developed as an individual annual review by the Serviceplan Group for the media and communications industry. The aim of the corporate pub-lishing is to provide an insight into the inspiring personalities and topics which have accompanied the group in the past year and to showcase their portfolio. Its name refers to the twelve months of a year as well as to the twelve chapters of the magazine, each of them cov-ering a current megatrend in the communications industry – ranging from big data to artificial intelligence and inno-vative technologies. The overarching theme of the fourth edition is “change”. A number of renowned street artists were invited to visualise their concept of change for the beginning of each chapter.
Client:Serviceplan, Munich, Germany
Design:Serviceplan, Munich, Germany
Global Chief Creative Officer:Alexander Schill
Executive Creative Direction:Beate Gronemann
Corporate Experience:Julia Becker Lisa Dischinger
Chief Corporate Communications Officer:Christiane Wolff
Text:Alexandra Berger Munich, Germany
Cover Photo:Olek New York, USA