OPlay - A Medical Product For Children With Asthma

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The daily routines of asthmatic medication and management can be a complex process for asthmatic children and their parents. OPlay is an innovative solution that incorporates play into an asthma inhaler and respiratory monitor to destigmatise asthma treatment for children. It combines medication, measurement, and a logging device into a single product, offering a streamlined asthma treatment and monitoring experience. The peak inspiratory flow meter and the app also work in tandem to log measurements and data about the child’s health, allowing doctors to make more accurate and frequent dosage adjustments. With a form that imitates a musical instrument, OPlay transforms tedious therapy into a joyful musical experience by using light indicators and melodies that correspond with simple steps. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Wellness and Beauty

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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