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MonkeyBots are tiny robots that connect to physical objects, moving them when triggered by events on the user’s phone. It is a smart-home accessory for helpful and magical interactions. MonkeyBots are small IoT Robots that free digital events from your phone and convert them into movements in the physical world. MonkeyBots will click analogue switches, rattle pills or hit the gong to remind you of important things or automate daily routines. With a variety of sustainably 3D printed add-ons, MonkeyBots can grab, push, hit or click almost anything. It is not just another creepy IoT product that steals attention and sells data. Instead, MonkeyBots enhance the human experience by adding a digital layer into the physical world, such as retrofitting your beloved coffee- maker from the 1970s to sync with your sleep-cycle app, or connecting Grandma’s picture to your call history. MonkeyBots only communicate with the user's phone via Bluetooth-Low-Energy and they have no microphones or cameras that make it possible to spy. A phone can access the internet’s wealth of useful APIs, automations and events, but with BLE connection, MonkeyBots will only move if the user or his or her phone is nearby.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Smart

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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