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Tabletop Dishwasher
Mijia Smart Tabletop Dishwasher S1
Minimum Size, Maximum Convenience
Dishwashers are appliances that many people in the western world take for granted and automatically include in the kitchen-planning process. The picture in China is very different. According to the Xiaomi home appliance company, a study shows that only 2 per cent of all households have a dishwasher. This is mainly because the kitchens in China are generally just a few square metres in size, making it difficult to convert the space to accommodate a dishwasher. However, the Chinese still appreciate the convenience of washing dishes at the touch of a button. As an appliance designed in the age of AI and IoT, the Mijia Smart S1 tabletop dishwasher not only washes dishes at the touch of a button but does a whole lot more. The designers primarily focused on the space constraints of Chinese kitchens when developing this dishwasher, which is why the compact body is just 350 mm deep. It also has a two-part door which opens conveniently in the smallest of spaces. Even when the door is open, the dishwasher’s depth is only 600 mm, so it can be placed anywhere on the countertop. Despite its compact design, the S1 boasts smart technology and innovative features, including a sterilisation program that eliminates almost 100 per cent of bacteria. Sterilisation is followed by hot-air circulation and UV light to maximise hygiene. The S1 has a built-in water turbidity sensor that identifies the dirtiness of the dishes and automatically sets the correct wash function. There is an integrated display for the selection of key functions, and the appliance can also be controlled by voice commands. It comes with the Mi Home app, which makes it easy for the user to personalise more complex settings or configure less frequently used programs. The jury decision was unanimous: “The S1 tabletop dishwasher is an outstanding product in its price segment. This exceptionally practical entry-level appliance has a remarkably compact build. The body is also very well engineered, and the interior is simple, yet designed for practicality.”
Manufacturer:Xiaomi Inc., Beijing, China
In-house design:Bo Chen, Yingchun Xie, Tong Chen
Design:Ningbo Qingmei Eletric Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., Xuegang Zhao, Guanghao Yang, Ningbo, China